Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
For new babies as young as 6-weeks old and their caregivers, until beginning to crawl or walk. This is a time for sharing, movement, breathing, or simply stillness. There will be both gentle and strengthening movements for adults, and connecting movements and songs with your little ones. The biggest intention is connecting to others and creating a sense of community through the shared experience of this time. In-Person Only
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A restful, calming class including breathing, gentle movements, standing postures, passive and supported poses. This is a perfect beginning yoga class that is also appropriate for those working with injury, limited mobility, or who prefer a softer, gentler approach to yoga.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A restful, calming class including breathing, gentle movements, standing postures, passive and supported poses. This is a perfect beginning yoga class that is also appropriate for those working with injury, limited mobility, or who prefer a softer, gentler approach to yoga.
This class focuses on range of motion in specific joints. One set of postures incorporates conscious movement for building muscle strength and tone. A different set of postures creates intense stillness for improving bone strength and quality. We use meditative awareness to direct and assist our energy for an interactive healing experience.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A renewing and calming class including breathing, gentle movements, standing postures, passive and supported poses to cultivate strength and flexibility. This is a perfect beginning yoga class that is also appropriate for all practitioners, including those working with injury, limited mobility, and all who prefer a balanced approach to yoga.
Our Prenatal Yoga Classes are meant to address the needs of the body and mind in pregnancy, and in preparation for childbirth. This is an active class, meant to build strength in pregnant bodies, and build community for this special phase of life. In-Person only
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Hatha is a potent alignment-oriented practice that emphasizes the forms and actions within yoga postures. Traditional asanas are held in accurate alignment. Emphasis is placed on core strength, flexibility and balance as well as concentration and breath control. This class is based on physical postures (asanas), deep breathing, mindfulness and listening to the body.
This 30 minute practice harmoniously integrates various elements from the yoga tradition's vast teachings: breathwork, mantra, mudra, and meditation. The weekly theme for this practice is drawn from the ongoing changes in our natural surroundings. These practices become tools for cultivating a sense of ease or groundedness within our ever-changing world, and offer a path to the deeper wisdom of Self.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
This is for everyone with a babe who is on the move and beginning to explore their surroundings, all the way up to 3 years old 3-year-olds (though older children can certain try, up to 4-years-old). We create a safe space for them to explore, while parents get to share and move their bodies. We then have circle time with our little ones, incorporating movement and songs. Finally, we spend time relaxing (if even for a moment). Anything goes and all are welcome – it's a space to come exactly as you and your little one are. In-Person Only • Feel free to arrive late (we all know how it goes some mornings!)
The spiritual side of yoga comes to life in a sacred gathering. Each of us will be guided to open our hearts, go inwards, and connect with Divine Presence in a deeply personal way. We will lift our heart's energy through bhakti, devotional chanting, and song. In meditation we move to the still intuitive center, where we can tune into the presence of peace, love, and joy.
This is a community space where all paths are honored. Tea and conversation after is encouraged.
Satsang is a donation class - all donations go to support the Studio Satya community
Steven brings together his love of the yoga tradition with his gifts as an intuitive medium, meditation teacher and healer.
The spiritual side of yoga comes to life in a sacred gathering. Each of us will be guided to open our hearts, go inwards, and connect with Divine Presence in a deeply personal way. We will lift our heart's energy through bhakti, devotional chanting, and song. In meditation we move to the still intuitive center, where we can tune into the presence of peace, love, and joy.
This is a community space where all paths are honored. Tea and conversation after is encouraged.
Satsang is a donation class - all donations go to support the Studio Satya community
Kids yoga classes (ages 5-11) are 60-minutes long and are made up primarily of movement in the form of asanas, which is the term yoga uses for postures or poses. These are excellent tools for improving strength, flexibility, coordination and mental focus in children. They are often named after things found in nature, from animals to birds to things! Some are challenging, some are easy but they all have a common thread. They involve physical movement, which allows and encourages kids to explore body mind awareness and even better, to have fun doing it!
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS In this flow-based hatha yoga class, the breath will be linked with movement offering a dynamic practice that strengthens the body and focuses the mind.
Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
This time of crossing the bridge from young child to adolescent can feel both exciting and disorienting. Finding balance – physically, mentally, and emotionally – is something that can help in this moment and for a lifetime. Through the tools yoga provides such as strength, flexibility, focus, and mindfulness young people can begin to move through stress with ease and discover the true meaning of resilience. Information for what we cover in class will be provided to parents to help integrate at home.
Ages 9-12
A perfect combination of slow mindful movement and restorative practices. We'll move our bodies right away to shake off some stagnant energy in an accessible slow flow. Then we'll take it low and allow ourselves to restore with either, restorative postures, yin or a short myofascial release practice utilizing tennis balls, and other yoga props.
A perfect combination of slow mindful movement and restorative practices. We'll move our bodies right away to shake off some stagnant energy in an accessible slow flow. Then we'll take it low and allow ourselves to restore with either, restorative postures, yin or a short myofascial release practice utilizing tennis balls, and other yoga props.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A gentle, slow paced class focus on practices and tools to help you regulate your nervous system - on and off the mat. We will blend gentle yoga flows, myofascial release, pranayama and meditation practices.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A gentle, slow paced class focus on practices and tools to help you regulate your nervous system - on and off the mat. We will blend gentle yoga flows, myofascial release, pranayama and meditation practices.
This 30 minute class begins with mindful movement and asanas (yoga postures), and culminates in 10 minutes of pranayama (breathing practices) and/or meditation. How we wake deeply informs how we move into the day. Join Studio Satya teachers for a nourishing morning practice that will help you begin your day with heartfelt intention.
This 30 minute class begins with mindful movement and asanas (yoga postures), and culminates in 10 minutes of pranayama (breathing practices) and/or meditation. How we wake deeply informs how we move into the day. Join Studio Satya teachers for a nourishing morning practice that will help you begin your day with heartfelt intention.
This class focuses on mindfully developing strength throughout the body. Set to upbeat music, you will use bands and body-weight strengthening exercises derived from pilates, yoga, and barre to develop more strength and stability. A strong core and body enhances your yoga practice immeasurably and promotes healthy posture and movement off the mat as well! Be prepared to work hard, build strength, and have fun during this hour-long strength-building party!
This class focuses on mindfully developing strength throughout the body. Set to upbeat music, you will use bands and body-weight strengthening exercises derived from pilates, yoga, and barre to develop more strength and stability. A strong core and body enhances your yoga practice immeasurably and promotes healthy posture and movement off the mat as well! Be prepared to work hard, build strength, and have fun during this hour-long strength-building party!
This unique class integrates various movement and contemplative practices to create a wholistic experience focusing on body, mind and heart. The class combines yoga postures, Qigong, Myofascial release and many more techniques that will help you feel stronger, mobile and grounded.
This unique class integrates various movement and contemplative practices to create a wholistic experience focusing on body, mind and heart. The class combines yoga postures, chi gong, Myofascial release and many more techniques that will help you feel stronger, mobile and grounded.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
This free/donation based Chair Yoga class is an adaptive yoga class, for those at all levels of abilities. By incorporating a chair in your practice, you may enjoy the benefits of yoga while seated.
This gentle practice is designed to improve circulation, mobility, and flexibility while finding balance and an overall sense of well-being. Joining our group allows you to find healing inside and out. You can tap into your own rhythms, in a guided movement with breath. For this class you need a chair without armrests, and you'll be offered various modifications to help you find what works best for you.
Please get cleared by your medical doctor to perform physical activity prior to attending this class. This class will assist in modifications appropriate for all levels and stages of treatment or recovery.
Class is co-sponsored by Capital of Texas Team Survivor and Moving Beyond Cancer Collaborative (MBCC). Suggested donation (not required) of $5 - $10 can be made upon arrival.
A perfect way to de-stress in a playful way. These classes will have a mix of movement and mindfulness, using playful yoga movements, breathwork, and relaxation as a way to re-connect with the body while also releasing stress that may have built up through the day. There will be time for sharing and connecting with the group throughout the class. Ages 5-11
Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
Yin practices are an excellent balance to typical yang asana classes. Cold muscles and longer holds of poses allows students to work into subtle areas of the fascia and connective tissues throughout the body. These classes are meant to create focus, sacred stillness, and meditative space to connect deeply while finding gentle release in both the body and the mind. Integrative movements finish the practice before relaxation.
Yin practices are an excellent balance to typical yang asana classes. Cold muscles and longer holds of poses allows students to work into subtle areas of the fascia and connective tissues throughout the body. These classes are meant to create focus, sacred stillness, and meditative space to connect deeply while finding gentle release in both the body and the mind. Integrative movements finish the practice before relaxation.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS In this flow-based hatha yoga class, the breath will be linked with movement offering a dynamic practice that strengthens the body and focuses the mind.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS In this flow-based hatha yoga class, the breath will be linked with movement offering a dynamic practice that strengthens the body and focuses the mind.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A renewing and calming class including breathing, gentle movements, standing postures, passive and supported poses to cultivate strength and flexibility. This is a perfect beginning yoga class that is also appropriate for all practitioners, including those working with injury, limited mobility, and all who prefer a balanced approach to yoga.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A renewing and calming class including breathing, gentle movements, standing postures, passive and supported poses to cultivate strength and flexibility. This is a perfect beginning yoga class that is also appropriate for all practitioners, including those working with injury, limited mobility, and all who prefer a balanced approach to yoga.
A Flow class provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience. The practice is accompanied by a variety of sound and energy work with music from playlists, mantra, singing bowls, and other instruments. The pace of the class allows for more focus on an embodied experience and deeper exploration of our inner landscapes.
A Flow class provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience. The practice is accompanied by a variety of sound and energy work with music from playlists, mantra, singing bowls, and other instruments. The pace of the class allows for more focus on an embodied experience and deeper exploration of our inner landscapes.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
Hatha is a potent alignment-oriented practice that emphasizes the forms and actions within yoga postures. Traditional asanas are held in accurate alignment. Emphasis is placed on core strength, flexibility and balance as well as concentration and breath control. This class is based on physical postures (asanas), deep breathing, mindfulness and listening to the body.
Hatha is a potent alignment-oriented practice that emphasizes the forms and actions within yoga postures. Traditional asanas are held in accurate alignment. Emphasis is placed on core strength, flexibility and balance as well as concentration and breath control. This class is based on physical postures (asanas), deep breathing, mindfulness and listening to the body.
The season of stillness is upon us. As cold winds of Winter move swiftly through the atmosphere, and as daylight gives way to longer nights, life adapts by drawing inward. Heeding the signs of a warmer season, we reserve our outward energy, instead taking the opportunity of this season as a time for rest and reflection. To honor this time for reflective quietude, the Satya Book Club will read Seedtime: a meditation on life itself. Join Madison during the month of February as she guides thoughtful discussion about the season, and seeds.
The season of stillness is upon us. As cold winds of Winter move swiftly through the atmosphere, and as daylight gives way to longer nights, life adapts by drawing inward. Heeding the signs of a warmer season, we reserve our outward energy, instead taking the opportunity of this season as a time for rest and reflection. To honor this time for reflective quietude, the Satya Book Club will read Seedtime: a meditation on life itself. Join Madison during the month of February as she guides thoughtful discussion about the season, and seeds.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Hatha is a potent alignment-oriented practice that emphasizes the forms and actions within yoga postures. Traditional asanas are held in accurate alignment. Emphasis is placed on core strength, flexibility and balance as well as concentration and breath control. This class is based on physical postures (asanas), deep breathing, mindfulness and listening to the body.
Hatha is a potent alignment-oriented practice that emphasizes the forms and actions within yoga postures. Traditional asanas are held in accurate alignment. Emphasis is placed on core strength, flexibility and balance as well as concentration and breath control. This class is based on physical postures (asanas), deep breathing, mindfulness and listening to the body.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
A perfect combination of slow mindful movement and restorative practices. We'll move our bodies right away to shake off some stagnant energy in an accessible slow flow. Then we'll take it low and allow ourselves to restore with either, restorative postures, yin or a short myofascial release practice utilizing tennis balls, and other yoga props.
A perfect combination of slow mindful movement and restorative practices. We'll move our bodies right away to shake off some stagnant energy in an accessible slow flow. Then we'll take it low and allow ourselves to restore with either, restorative postures, yin or a short myofascial release practice utilizing tennis balls, and other yoga props.
Candlelight Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. The practice is done amongst the calming glow of candlelight to emphasize internal focus and relaxation. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
Candlelight Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. The practice is done amongst the calming glow of candlelight to emphasize internal focus and relaxation. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
Our Prenatal Yoga Classes are meant to address the needs of the body and mind in pregnancy, and in preparation for childbirth. This is an active class, meant to build strength in pregnant bodies, and build community for this special phase of life. In-Person only
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS In this flow-based hatha yoga class, the breath will be linked with movement offering a dynamic practice that strengthens the body and focuses the mind.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS In this flow-based hatha yoga class, the breath will be linked with movement offering a dynamic practice that strengthens the body and focuses the mind.
Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. Slow Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
This class aims to create more balance in the body and mind with a perfect mix of yin and yang. Students can expect an exploration of movement through a mindful movement, balanced with calming yin poses close to the earth. The practice is accompanied by a variety of sound and energy work with music from playlists, mantra, singing bowls, and other instruments. The pace of the class allows for more focus on an embodied experience and deeper exploration of our inner landscapes.
Yin practices are an excellent balance to typical yang asana classes. Cold muscles and longer holds of poses allows students to work into subtle areas of the fascia and connective tissues throughout the body. These classes are meant to create focus, sacred stillness, and meditative space to connect deeply while finding gentle release in both the body and the mind. Integrative movements finish the practice before relaxation.
Yin practices are an excellent balance to typical yang asana classes. Cold muscles and longer holds of poses allows students to work into subtle areas of the fascia and connective tissues throughout the body. These classes are meant to create focus, sacred stillness, and meditative space to connect deeply while finding gentle release in both the body and the mind. Integrative movements finish the practice before relaxation.
ALL ARE WELCOME - Mediation is a practice that is ancient in its origins and history. Throughout history this path to inner freedom, happiness, joy, compassion, lovingkindness, generosity and equanimity has been available. Today, there are countless studies to show that the practice of meditation, in fact, moves us toward inner freedom. In our Beginners Meditation we begin with a brief check-in and move into a guided meditation. Each week there is a short discussion to help you learn how to bring mindfulness into your life. Each meeting is free and confidential.
Coming together as a community is something we highly value at Satya. With each of us leading lives across a diverse array of experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds, the practice of yoga facilitates a greater connection with ourselves and each other.
Community Conversations is a space where members of the Satya community -- and beyond -- can continue the unifying practice of yoga through intentional dialogue. As we practice listening to others without judgment, sharing honestly about ourselves, and cultivate patience and presence as we witness this process, this offering allows us to integrate fundamentals of yoga philosophy, namely ahimsa (nonviolence) and satya (truth).
Participants will be seated in a circle and have the opportunity to respond to a series of thoughtfully prepared questions led by a facilitator, Madison, who will guide participants through thoughtfully prepared conversations centered around a particular theme. In order to ensure a respectful and patient space for all, each conversation will follow a set of communal guidelines for participation.
Coming together as a community is something we highly value at Satya. With each of us leading lives across a diverse array of experiences, beliefs, and backgrounds, the practice of yoga facilitates a greater connection with ourselves and each other.
Community Conversations is a space where members of the Satya community -- and beyond -- can continue the unifying practice of yoga through intentional dialogue. As we practice listening to others without judgment, sharing honestly about ourselves, and cultivate patience and presence as we witness this process, this offering allows us to integrate fundamentals of yoga philosophy, namely ahimsa (nonviolence) and satya (truth).
Participants will be seated in a circle and have the opportunity to respond to a series of thoughtfully prepared questions led by a facilitator, Madison, who will guide participants through thoughtfully prepared conversations centered around a particular theme. In order to ensure a respectful and patient space for all, each conversation will follow a set of communal guidelines for participation.
This 30 minute class begins with mindful movement and asanas (yoga postures), and culminates in 10 minutes of pranayama (breathing practices) and/or meditation. How we wake deeply informs how we move into the day. Join Studio Satya teachers for a nourishing morning practice that will help you begin your day with heartfelt intention.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
Vinyasa Yoga is a dynamic system of practicing asanas (poses). Vinyasa means "to place in a special way." In this practice, yoga postures flow in a logical sequence. This practice focuses on the synchronization of breath & the continuous flow of movement. Vinyasa is a strong practice that builds heat, endurance, flexibility, strength and mental focus.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A renewing and calming class including breathing, gentle movements, standing postures, passive and supported poses to cultivate strength and flexibility. This is a perfect beginning yoga class that is also appropriate for all practitioners, including those working with injury, limited mobility, and all who prefer a balanced approach to yoga.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. A renewing and calming class including breathing, gentle movements, standing postures, passive and supported poses to cultivate strength and flexibility. This is a perfect beginning yoga class that is also appropriate for all practitioners, including those working with injury, limited mobility, and all who prefer a balanced approach to yoga.
This is for everyone with a babe who is on the move and beginning to explore their surroundings, all the way up to 3 years old. We create a safe space for them to explore, while parents get to share and move their bodies. We then have circle time with our little ones, incorporating movement and songs. Finally, we spend time relaxing (if even for a moment). Anything goes and all are welcome – it's a space to come exactly as you and your little one are. In-Person Only
Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind, preparing both for pranayama and meditation. This class is dedicated to providing you a holistic yoga experience, finishing with a nourishing sound bath.
Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind, preparing both for pranayama and meditation. This class is dedicated to providing you a holistic yoga experience, finishing with a nourishing sound bath.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. This class blends ancient wisdom with modern neurophysiology to cultivate an essential balance for nervous system regulation and resiliency. Resiliency requires self-awareness to know and understand how we are responding to a situation so that we can change our behavior. Research has shown that just like building muscle to improve our physical strength, there are things we can do to increase our resiliency. Some of the most powerful things we can do is breathe, move, and rest. This class will incorporate a wide variety of therapeutic tools during each portion of the class, including ancient breathing practices to modern polyvagal-influenced eye exercises. Although the physical practice will include strength and stability work, the postures are inclusive and easily adapted to everyone's needs. The class will culminate in shavasana with a guided meditation and/or sound. Through trauma-informed, experiential practices, you'll learn tools that can help expand your sense of ease while navigating both the challenges and the joyful moments of life.
SUITABLE FOR ALL LEVELS. This class blends ancient wisdom with modern neurophysiology to cultivate an essential balance for nervous system regulation and resiliency. Resiliency requires self-awareness to know and understand how we are responding to a situation so that we can change our behavior. Research has shown that just like building muscle to improve our physical strength, there are things we can do to increase our resiliency. Some of the most powerful things we can do is breathe, move, and rest. This class will incorporate a wide variety of therapeutic tools during each portion of the class, including ancient breathing practices to modern polyvagal-influenced eye exercises. Although the physical practice will include strength and stability work, the postures are inclusive and easily adapted to everyone's needs. The class will culminate in shavasana with a guided meditation and/or sound. Through trauma-informed, experiential practices, you'll learn tools that can help expand your sense of ease while navigating both the challenges and the joyful moments of life.
Candlelight Flow provides a balance between challenging the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. The practice is done amongst the calming glow of candlelight to emphasize internal focus and relaxation. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.
Candlelight Flow provides a balance between revitalizing the body and calming the mind. Each movement follows the flow of the breath. The practice is done amongst the calming glow of candlelight to emphasize internal focus and relaxation. This artful practice is accessible to all, yet has challenging variations depending on experience.